Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Follow up to unscheduled investigation

Hello all

Sorry for the delay in blogging but its been a really busy week for me. A week or so back I blogged about an unscheduled investigation I was called out on at the Soilders Water Hole over near Brady Texas. I had went out there after a phone call from some people who were checking it out and said there was some crazy stuff going on. I have been there many times in the past and know the activity they described as actual things me and my team have experienced out there as well so I took off thinking it was an active night for the location. Upon arriving, the place had a charged feel to it which is always good in a paranormal investigation. Shortly afterward, I heard what sounded like a screaming sound from the far side of the old bridge. I recognized the sound from previous trips to the location. I was doing an rtsc session near the old fort rock formation and was asking for a verification of a spiritual prescense when something hit the pipes on the old bridge. It sounded like someone taking a metal pipe and hitting another metal pipe, it was very loud and very distinct. Also, the moon that night was huge and bright orange in color till right after midnight when it went back to its normal size and color which I want to add is when all the activity stopped and the air lost that charged feeling so thats something to note for other investigators to pay attention to. We started talking about where the people who were killed there were burried and we started seeing distinct shadow people all around the fort foundation. If we approached, they would dart off and vanish into the darkness. The last thing we experienced was drum sounds....the kind that you would hear from indian tribes....they were way off in the distance but clearly drums. A few minutes after midnight the moon went bright and the activity ceased. Some notes to take away from this is that it was a full moon, orange in color till midnight, then bright. Very clear night, no clouds that I could see, the air had a charged feeling up untill the activity stopped, and the wind was surprisingly calm that evening.

TPR will be scheduling another full investigation there in the near future, most like on the next full moon cycle.



  1. If you ever make it to Iowa for investigating..would love to help in the investigation..just get a hold of me.

  2. whats an rtsc session?

    when can we hear the audio of the pipes and stuff? I wanna go there ... is there video of that place?
    is this it?


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